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12 Days of Cleanmas- Days 4-7

So I totally dropped the ball (or maybe the ornament) the past few days. Its been crazy between work, Lydia's school, Christmas projects, and this never ending cold we all have. Hopefully this post will get us back on track with our pre-Christmas cleaning!

DAYS 4-7: Walls and Baseboards. Take a magic eraser and lightly moisten. Rub off and marks, fingerprints, and grime on both walls and baseboards. Don't forget around door knobs, plug ins and light switches. Next, mop your walls. Yes, thats right, mop them. Spray some all-purpose cleaner (or just use a few quirts of dish soap to a spray bottle and fill with water) on a small section of the wall your working on. Attach a mop head to your mop and wipe away. (You can also use a plain clean rag if that is easier for you) Make sure you rinse the mop head frequently. Next, get the rest of the grime off the baseboards with all-purpose cleaner and a toothbrush. Wipe clean. (Obviously since I was too busy to add the last few days, you could break this up by room; bathrooms Day 4, kitchen Day 5, bedrooms Day 6, living room and hallways Day 7...). Happy Cleaning! Be back with Day 8 tomorrow...I hope!

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