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12 Days of "Cleanmas"- Day 3

DAY 3: Lets clean out any thing in your fridge and freezer that is expired and wipe down the surfaces so you have room for all those yummy holiday dishes. This one may take you a little extra effort if you have never done it before or its been a while. If it seems like a giant job just do what you can and after the holidays do a second, more thorough cleaning.

Take everything out of your fridge door throwing away any items that are expired. Place the items that are still good in a sink with a few inches of water to start loosening any gunk that may have accumulated on bottles. Next take a bowl of hot water and a sponge. Spray the inside door with all purpose cleaner and use the warm sponge to get off the tough stuff. Wipe clean. Rinse the items in the sink and place back in your clean door. Repeat this process for each shelf inside the fridge starting at the top. When it comes to removable drawers rinse in the bath if your sink isn't large enough. Be careful if you remove any glass shelves as they can break. If in doubt just wipe while still in the fridge. Do the same for your freezer. Now that your done, how much extra room do you have? Amazing isn't it?

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